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Easily and accurately account for subscription-based IT arrangements.
Amortization Schedules and Journal Entries

GASB 96 Compliance

Amortization schedules and journal entries calculated for you. All required reports and disclosures ready out of the box.

Automated Footnote Disclosures

Fund Accounting

Get fund-level modified accrual journal entries and government-wide conversion to full accrual journal entries.

Contract Upload and Management

Contract Tracking

Keep everything related to your Subscription-based IT Arrangements (SBITA) in a cloud-based central repository.

What is GASB 96?

Most organizations use cloud software like Office 365, Zoom, DocuSign, or a cloud-based ERP. These are examples of Subscription-Base IT Arrangements (SBITAs) under GASB 96. GASB 96 is a new accounting standard that requires SBITAs to be reported on the financial statements of local governments, public colleges and universities, and public hospitals among others. It went into effect for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2022.

It is estimated that most organizations have 20+ SBITAs, too many to be accounting for in spreadsheets. LeaseQuery for GASB 96 is a proven solution to handle the complex capitalization criteria and subsequent accounting for the GASB 96guidelines.

“It was the ultimate relief to hear that all this craziness that GASB is putting out, that there really is a way that we’re going to be able to handle it.”

Wendy Keller
Accounting Manager, Utah State University

Download our 10 Steps to GASB 96 Adoption Guide

Use our guide to simplify adoption of the new GASB 96 standard. Our tips help you:

  • Identify your SBITAs
  • Track SBITAs across your organization
  • Vet GASB 96 software